The process involved in making furniture often is more tedious than people realize. These images lend insight into this process.

  • Designs are refined with templates and prototypes.
  • Lumber is milled, allowed to acclimate, then milled again to assure dimensional integrity
  • Parts are laid out and precisely, measured, then cut
  • Glue ups are done in stages, and all joinery is hand cut with antique chisels, planes and saws
  • Glue ups are thorough and employ state of the art adhesives
  • Forms, steam bending, and speciality adhesives are employed to create special shapes
  • Each piece is fitted and adjusted until parts are perfectly aligned for assembly
  • All dovetails, mortises and tenons are hand cut, and fit to extreme tolerances
  • Inlay work is installed one piece at a time, with attention to detail
  • Finishing is hand applied in multiple coats. French Polish, Oils, and varnishes are all hand polished to a high luster.
  • Finishing is hand applied, color corrected and polished
  • The Finished Piece is photographed, then delivered and set in place as requested.